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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Script de sauvegarde locale par l'outil yunohost. Egalement posté sur https://paste.yunohost.org/ufonicacop.bash

#From  @djib https://forum.yunohost.org/t/sauvegardes-automatiques-a-j-1-j-7-et-j-30/6495
#Modified by @jaxom on 2018-12-19
#Licenced under GPL. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
#GOAL: Creates a backup and removes some of the previous backups
#HOWTO: call it via cron as frequently as you want
#The Nextcloud app is excluded from the backup due to its size. TODO : find how to save calendars and contacts but not the files.
# Backups are created with the following prefix
# All backups with the previous prefix are deleted except the following dates
TODAY=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`
LAST_WEEK=`date -d "7 days ago" '+%Y-%m-%d'`
BEGINNING_OF_MONTH=`date '+%Y-%m-01'`
BEGINNING_OF_LAST_MONTH=`date -d "last month" '+%Y-%m-01'`
#separation between apps and config
yunohost backup create -n $PREFIX$TODAY-core --system
yunohost backup create -n $PREFIX$TODAY-apps --apps `yunohost app list -i | grep id| sed 's/id: //' | sed 's/nextcloud//'`
#Removal of old backups
cd /home/yunohost.backup/archives
#last line to check, useless in cron mode
#yunohost backup list
#Send an SMS notification using FreeMobileAPI
#curl --insecure "https://smsapi.free-mobile.fr/sendmsg?user=##REPLACEWITHYOURUSER##&pass=##REPLACEWITHYOURAPIKEY##&msg=AutoYNHBackup"
adminsys/script-save-auto-local.1549623597.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2019/02/08 11:59 de jaxom